God Doesn’t Waste a Thing

RJ Johnson, under the name Luke Chance, writes his experience of how God Doesn’t Waste a Thing. This thrilling true story leads you through the many divine miracles that Luke witnessed during his incarceration and will show how nothing is wasted when it comes to God and building His Kingdom. Luke spent seven years in prison for a crime he committed but now shares his story of contrition, faith, and hope for redemption that will inspire others facing great adversity in their lives.

God Doesn’t Waste a Thing

After being sentenced to 20 years in the Department of Corrections, Luke found himself involved in many tragic, heartbreaking, and surreal moments behind bars. However, during those same events, God showed Himself to be faithful, loving, and present in creating miracles out of what many would consider impossible situations.

Luke’s journey is like Joseph’s in Genesis. What many intended for harm, God chose to use for good. Luke shares how, even in the worst circumstances, God works all things according to His will.

Price: $13.56

All proceeds go to supporting NMW

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